The session ‘Accountability and transparency of health services: building tools that work for person-centred health systems’ will discuss best practices in developing national health portals to support personal choices and enhance public accountability for implementing person-centred health systems. Through practical cases and lessons learnt from the direct experiences of different countries, presenters will address how public institutions have approached the challenges and opportunities of public reporting, in direct collaboration with citizens, health professionals, and decision-makers. In particular, the session will address how to engage citizens in the co-design and co-creation of new tools, making their voices continuously heard for the progressive development of new practices that can support actionability and the correct interpretation of quality and outcomes indicators.

During this session, several critical aspects related to national portals will be discussed. Participants will explore the scope and purposes of these portals; ways to prioritise and organise the thematic areas; the publication of information related to the availability, characteristics, and performance of specific types of healthcare services; the use of visualisation performance tools to help users understand this information and the value of international benchmarking; and the inclusion of person-centred measures, such as patient experiences.

The discussion will compare views among all presenters and the audience, providing guidance on the possible avenues for the cost-effective implementation of national portals.

Do not miss the session ‘Accountability and transparency of health services: building tools that work for person-centred health systems’ with Dr Fabrizio Carinci, Executive Analyst and Coordinator of the Italian National Portal for the Transparency of Health Services at AGENAS; Dr Marco Greco, President of the European Patients’ Forum; Prof Niek Klazinga, Professor of Social Medicine at the Academic Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam; and Dr Dimitra Panteli, Programme Manager at the European Observatory of Health Systems and Policies. The session is moderated by Prof Fausto Di Vincenzo, Associate Professor of Business Organisation at the University “G. d’Annunzio”.

Check out the #EHMA2023 programme here and discover the over 50 sessions we have this year. You can register for EHMA 2023 and join us in Rome until Friday, 26 May here.