The session From heroes to victims: health systems under attack. Professional and organisational implications’ will discuss best practices for ensuring safe working conditions for health professionals while still providing effective care services, despite reduced resources and requests for more effective services.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for health professionals, which have highlighted the need to adapt to new organisational restraints and reposition themselves in changing contexts. The recent increase in social conflicts such as no-vax demonstrations and patient aggressiveness has further complicated this situation, potentially leading to resignations and retirements from work.

This session at #EHMA2023 will tackle the predicament of balancing the responsibility of taking care of patients’ needs with the obligation to ensure the safety of oneself and others in order to fulfil the professional task.

Do not miss the session ‘From heroes to victims: health systems under attack. Professional and organisational implications’ with Dr Tizana Antonini, Psychologist, Healthcare and Social Services at the ASST SS Paolo e Carlo; Dr Paola Capellini, Medical Director, Healthcare and Social Services at the ASST SS Paolo e Carlo; Prof Mara Gorli, Associate Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Prof Bjørn Erik Mørk, Professor in Innovation at the BI Norwegian Business School; and Dr Ciro Verdoliva, General Director at ASL Napoli 1. The session is moderated by Prof Giuseppe Scaratti, Full Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at the University of Bergamo.

Check out the #EHMA2023 programme here and discover the over 50 sessions we have this year. Don’t miss your chance to attend EHMA 2023 – register before Friday, 26 May here.